Spy X Family Chapter 86: The Spy X Family manga series, authored and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo, has captured the hearts of readers worldwide with its captivating blend of comedy, drama, and action. Fans eagerly anticipate the release of Chapter 86, which is scheduled to be available on July 30, 2023. Below, you can find the release times in various time zones.
Region Wise Release Date and Time
- Eastern European Time: 3:30 A.M
- Pacific Daylight Time: 9:00 A.M
- Eastern Daylight Time: 12:00 Noon
- Central Daylight Time: 11:00 A.M
- British Summer Time: 5:00 P.M
- Japan Standard Time: 9:30 P.M
- Korea Standard Time: 9:30 P.M
- Eastern Standard Time: 8:00 A.M
- India Standard Time: 11:30 P.M
- Australian Eastern Time: 10:30 A.M
- Washington DC: 08:30 A.M
- New York, USA: 08:00 A.M
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Spy X Family Chapter 86 Reddit Spoiler
The protagonist, a master spy known only by his codename, embarks on a mission that requires him to create a fake family. This thrilling spy-comedy-action manga has become incredibly popular, evident from the number of searches it receives on Google. Each new episode offers an enthralling plot that keeps readers hooked.
After Yuri’s revelation about Loid being an undercover agent, he must come up with a new strategy for gathering intelligence while reflecting on recent events. Meanwhile, Nightfall captures Wheeler and retrieves the missing WISE file, but he manages to escape, leading to a tense pursuit.
Spy X Family Chapter 86 Spoiler Release Date
At the time of writing, the spoilers for Chapter 86 were not yet available. However, they usually surface on online communities like 4chan and Reddit three to four days before the official release. Expect to find the spoilers for this chapter on July 27, 2023.
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Spy X Family Chapter 86 Raw Scan Release Date
Similarly, the raw scans for Chapter 86 had not been released at the time of writing. These scans tend to appear on internet communities approximately three to four days before the official release. Therefore, you can anticipate the raw scans to be available on July 27, 2023.
Spy X Family Chapter 85 Summary
The gripping story of the master spy with a codename, dedicated to bettering the world through covert operations, continues to enthrall readers. Forced to construct a new family for his mission, this Spy-Action-Comedy showcases a unique family dynamic that resonates with audiences.
The engaging plotlines of each new episode keep fans searching for this manga on Google. The characters of Lord and Yor play crucial roles in the unfolding events, and Yuri seeks to uncover Twilight’s true identity.
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Where to Read Spy X Family Chapter 86?
You can find Spy X Family on Viz and Mangaplus platforms. VIZ’s ShonenJump mobile app offers the last three chapters for free reading and downloading for a seven-day period. Additionally, Mangaplus provides a wide selection of manga series, including Espanol/Spanish titles.
In conclusion, Spy X Family’s Chapter 86 promises to deliver another thrilling chapter in the life of the master spy and his unconventional family, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the next installment.