Yellowknife: A line of vehicles, stretching to the horizon, painted a scene of urgency and concern as families hurriedly packed their belongings and cherished pets. They are fleeing a natural disaster that has become the defining emblem of this Canadian summer — wildfires.

In the northern city of 20,000, the exodus was well underway on Thursday. Families, under orders to escape the encroaching wildfire, had embarked on a journey to safety. The city in question, is Yellowknife, the capital of the Northwest Territories. It was facing the menacing advance of an uncontrollable blaze, positioned approximately nine miles from its outskirts. As the weekend approached, apprehensions grew that the flames might breach the city limits. It is a somber reality necessitating the ongoing evacuation, anticipated to persist until Friday.

The orchestrated evacuation of the entire city unfolded as a monumental effort, characterized by order amidst chaos. Amidst the thick veil of smoke, escorts guided the drivers and supplied them with complimentary gasoline, sustenance, and refreshments. While the process demonstrated meticulous planning, for those abruptly coerced to leave their homes, it was nothing short of a stunning upheaval.

Even within a community accustomed to the annual specter of wildfires, the decision to evacuate Yellowknife seemed implausible. It was met with disbelief and a refusal to acknowledge the impending catastrophe.

“It shifted from a stance of reassurance to one of urgency,” recounted Lee Selleck, a 68-year-old former journalist. He stated while reflecting on the government’s communication with residents. His sentiments echoed a shared belief that the city’s geographical advantage, positioned by a lakeside, and other measures in place, would form a barrier against the conflagration. He added with a touch of candor, “If it fails, the consequences will be dire.”

However, Shane Thompson, the territorial minister overseeing environment and climate change, instructed the populace to evacuate on Wednesday. His words were unequivocal. “The fire now poses a tangible threat to the city,” he declared at an evening press conference.

This cautionary note has become a recurrent refrain this summer across Canada, as wildfires ravage vast expanses of land, eclipsing historical records. While most blazes have refrained from directly endangering densely inhabited areas, they have unleashed an onslaught of noxious smoke. This summer, a staggering estimated 196,000 Canadians have been displaced from their homes. The figure surpasses the combined total of the preceding six years, as per data from Natural Resources Canada.

With the weekend approaching, fire officials from the territory acknowledged that prevailing wind patterns were momentarily impeding the fire’s advancement toward Yellowknife. However, the city maintained its status of extreme fire risk up to Saturday.

Yellowknife, beyond being the administrative heart of the Northwest Territories, occupies a pivotal role as the operational base for the province’s diamond-mining sector.

In tandem with Yellowknife’s evacuation, other locales received similar mandates, including Dettah, home to the Indigenous Dene community. Authorities harbored concerns that the highway connecting these places to Yellowknife could fall victim to a separate inferno. It could potentially erupt by the following Friday.

Amidst the tumult, a warning resonated against seeking refuge on the islands of the Great Slave Lake, which skirt the city. As the fire advanced, the anticipated degradation of air quality in the vicinity was deemed a disqualifying factor.

In the aftermath of the evacuation order, inhabitants of a residential crescent promptly deserted their homes. They have entrusted their keys to Lauri Leppänen, a neighbor and an emergency medical dispatcher. Mr. Leppänen and another dispatcher, Vincent Meslage, chose to remain behind as volunteers, ferrying evacuees to safety.

This humanitarian mission led them to a local school, where a lengthy queue of people awaited registration for evacuation flights. These flights, facilitated by commercial airlines and the Royal Canadian Air Force, stipulated stringent baggage restrictions. Everyone is allowed a single carry-on bag and limited provisions for clothing and sustenance, not exceeding five days’ worth.

The narrative echoed in Calgary, Alberta’s largest city, which opened its arms as a reception center. Emergency preparedness officials confirmed the city’s readiness to host up to 5,000 evacuees in its hotels.

For Albertans, the influx served as a poignant reminder of Fort McMurray’s mass evacuation in 2016. Then about 90,000 individuals fled the city, scarred by a wildfire that resulted in one of Canada’s costliest insurance disasters. It amounted to around four billion Canadian dollars.

The decision to abandon yet another city stands as a testament to the havoc wrought by Canada’s most severe wildfire season in history. Presently, around 1,000 fires continue to smolder across the country. This year’s fires have scorched an expanse nine times the size of last year’s entire fire season. It has unleashed smoke that has journeyed as far as Georgia, the USA, and even Europe.

The evacuation of Yellowknife, projected to relocate approximately half of the Northwest Territories entire population, reflects the region’s vast expanse and the reliance of its three Canadian territories on federal funding.

As evacuations unfold and families grapple with choices about what to salvage, a prevailing sense of optimism intertwines with a tacit acknowledgment of the uncertainty. Amidst the challenge, residents, like Philip Boulton, an information technology analyst, draw reassurance from improved safety measures while acknowledging that certainties are elusive. “I really don’t think that the town is going to burn down,” he reflects, “but maybe that’s just a lack of imagination on my part. I didn’t think I’d be evacuated, either.”