Telangana Formation Day: On June 2nd, Telangana Formation Day is observed to honor the creation of Telangana as an autonomous state. This significant day marks the separation of Telangana from Andhra Pradesh in 2014, with Kalvakuntla C Rao being elected as the first Chief Minister of the new state. Telangana Formation Day is observed as a public holiday in Telangana each year.

Telangana was created as a result of the Telangana Bill, which was passed after 40 years of relentless demonstrations by the Telugu-speaking community, who had been calling for a separate state since 1969. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the history and significance of Telangana Formation Day, let’s delve into further details.

This day holds great importance for the people of the state as they come together to celebrate their rich cultural heritage. This day is observed as a public holiday, allowing the residents of Telangana to engage in various cultural activities and rejoice in their distinct traditions. Telangana Day serves as a time for the Telugu people to celebrate their unique culture.

All About Telangana

Telangana is the eleventh largest state in the nation and is located on the Deccan Plateau in India. It has an area of 112,077 square kilometers. It boasts the seventh-largest economy in India, significantly contributing to the national GDP. The state is renowned for its Hyderabadi cuisine, and its people hold a deep appreciation for their culture, which is prominently displayed during the exuberant celebrations of Telangana Formation Day.

The history of Telangana Formation Day dates back to a pivotal decision made by the Indian Parliament in 2013. The passage of the Telangana Bill that year granted approval for the establishment of Telangana as an independent state within India. The journey leading up to this significant milestone is noteworthy.

In 1956, the region of Telangana was merged with Andhra Pradesh. However, starting from 1969, the Telugu-speaking population expressed their desire for a separate state exclusively representing their language and culture. Over the subsequent decades, relentless protests advocating for a separate state persisted. The Congress Working Committee and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) finally approved the Telangana Bill in 2013. The Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act was also approved the following year, opening the door for the June 2nd commemoration of this day.

The significance of Telangana Formation Day cannot be understated for the people of the state. It symbolizes their unwavering efforts over several decades to establish a distinct state that encapsulates Telugu culture. The Telangana Movement, which spanned from 1952 to 2014, culminated in the formation of Telangana, carving out ten districts from north-western Andhra Pradesh. To explore the complete timeline of the movements leading up to this remarkable day, refer to the table provided.

Telangana State Formation Timeline

Telangana Movement1952-2012
Mulkhi Agitation1952
Telangana Agitation1969
Jai Andhra Movement1972
Six Point Formula1973
Srikrishna Committee2011-2012
Andhra Pradesh Reorganization2014
Telangana Formation DayJune 2, 2014

On June 2nd, Telangana Formation Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm. The day is marked by a series of cultural events that showcase the region’s distinct traditions. Telangana sponsors a grand four-day celebration, where cultural performances take center stage. Additionally, Telangana State Awards are presented on this occasion, and the Chief Minister hoists the national flag and delivers a speech, reflecting upon the history of Telangana and the significance of its formation.