Submit for App Ideas: Have you ever had a brilliant idea for an app that you believe could be a game-changer? Many of us have experienced that spark of inspiration and excitement, but turning that idea into a successful reality takes careful planning and execution. In this article, we will guide you through the process of developing an app idea and transforming it into a thriving business.

Conduct Thorough Market Research

Before diving headfirst into app development, it’s crucial to conduct comprehensive market research. Understanding the existing landscape and identifying your target audience will provide valuable insights that can shape the direction of your app.

Ask yourself the following questions during your research:

  • What problem does your app solve, and how will it benefit users?
  • Who are your target users? Consider demographics, interests, and preferences.
  • Are there similar apps already on the market? How successful are they?
  • What makes your app unique? Identify the value proposition that sets it apart from competitors.
  • How do your competitors promote their apps? Analyze their marketing strategies and identify opportunities to differentiate yourself.

By answering these questions, you’ll gain a clear understanding of your app’s potential market, competition, and unique selling points.

Craft a Solid Business Concept

Once you’ve gathered insights from your market research, it’s time to transform your idea into a tangible business concept. Take the time to document your thoughts, ensuring that nothing valuable slips through the cracks. Writing down your business concept helps crystallize your ideas and serves as a reference point throughout the development process.

Your business concept should include the following components:

  • The App: Describe your app’s core idea, its features, and its potential advantages for users.
  • Target Audience Analysis: Identify and analyze your target audience’s characteristics, preferences, and behaviors.
  • Market and Competition: Provide an overview of the market landscape and analyze your competitors.
  • Monetization Strategy: Outline how you plan to generate revenue from your app.
  • Marketing Plan: Develop a roadmap for promoting your app and reaching your target audience effectively.

By compiling these elements into a comprehensive business concept, you create a blueprint for success that aligns with your goals and aspirations.

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Consider Partnerships and Co-Founders

Bringing an app idea to life often requires a diverse set of skills, time, and financial resources. If you feel that you lack certain capabilities, consider finding partners or co-founders who can complement your skill set. Collaborating with like-minded individuals can enhance the overall development process and increase your chances of success.

Look within your network, reach out to friends or former colleagues who may share your entrepreneurial spirit. If you’re active on professional platforms like LinkedIn, utilize those connections to find potential partners who might be interested in your idea.

Remember, partnerships are built on trust, shared values, and a common vision. Choose partners who align with your goals and bring valuable expertise to the table.

Develop the App

Congratulations if you have the coding skills to develop the app on your own or with the help of friends who are developers. However, if you lack coding knowledge, you’ll need to hire an agency or freelancers to do the job for you.

Based on your previous research (Step 1), you should have a clear idea of whether your app will be published on Android, iOS, or both platforms.

Developers alone won’t be enough for this process. You’ll also need a UX/UI designer to create a visually appealing and user-friendly app. Provide wireframes as a reference to the designer, and ensure you both have a clear understanding of the primary and complementary brand colors, as well as the overall brand style.

Estimating the exact time required to make your app live can be challenging. Throughout the development process, you may realize that certain features or ideas are not feasible. However, don’t be discouraged, as most problems have solutions. Stay persistent and adapt as needed.

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Prepare for the Launch and Create a Marketing Roadmap

While the developers are coding, you should shift your focus to the app launch and various business development tasks.

Think about the Branding

Although building a big brand might not be your primary concern during the app launch, investing time and money into creating an app icon and developing a consistent brand style across all communication channels is crucial.

Learn about App Store Optimization (ASO)

Instead of waiting until you notice a lack of downloads, it’s essential to consider an efficient app listing strategy well before the launch.

ASO (app store optimization) plays a significant role in generating organic downloads without spending money on advertising. However, understanding ASO can be challenging. Conduct thorough research to learn how to:

  • Perform keyword research
  • Identify relevant keywords
  • Create an effective app name
  • Design an appealing icon
  • Write compelling descriptions and subheadings
  • Design high-converting screenshots
  • Track keywords over time

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Improve app listings through A/B testing

The app icon, created in collaboration with a designer, holds substantial influence over potential users’ decisions. Additionally, clear and visually engaging screenshots are equally important. Research industry best practices, decide on landscape or portrait orientation and choose an appropriate style.

If you feel uncertain about keyword research and ASO, consider using dedicated ASO tools like MobileAction or consulting professional ASO specialists. Localize your app listing from the beginning by preparing descriptions and screenshots tailored to specific countries.

Prepare for Launch

Launching a new app can be an exciting but challenging endeavor. To ensure your app gets the attention it deserves, you need to go beyond just announcing it on ProductHunt. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to promote your app and make it stand out from the competition.

  1. Spread the Word to Friends and Family – Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Reach out to your friends and family, inform them about your app launch, and kindly ask them to download the app and give it a 5-star rating. Their support can go a long way in boosting your app’s initial visibility and credibility.
  2. Leverage Social Media – Take advantage of the various social networks where you have a presence. Post engaging content about your new app, highlight its unique features and encourage users to share it with their networks. Engage with your audience, respond to comments and questions promptly, and create a sense of community around your app.
  3. Get Featured on ProductHunt – ProductHunt is a popular platform where users discover and discuss new products. Submit your app to ProductHunt and provide a compelling description that showcases its value and functionality. Encourage your network to upvote and comment on your submission to increase its visibility.
  4. Engage the Reddit Community – Reddit can be a valuable source of exposure if used correctly. Find relevant subreddits related to your app’s niche and engage with the community. Share valuable insights, answer questions, and avoid overly promotional posts. Building a positive reputation on Reddit can lead to increased visibility and user adoption.
  5. Reach Out to App Review Websites and Bloggers – Compile a list of app review websites and influential bloggers who specialize in reviewing apps. Craft a personalized pitch that highlights the unique aspects of your app and its value to users. Offer them early access to your app for review purposes and consider providing them with promotional codes or exclusive content. Positive reviews from reputable sources can significantly boost your app’s credibility and attract more users.
  6. Develop a Comprehensive Marketing Roadmap – Launching your app is just the beginning. To ensure its long-term success, you need a well-defined marketing roadmap. This roadmap should include strategies for user acquisition, user engagement, and monetization. Consider utilizing social media advertising, content marketing, influencer partnerships, and other proven marketing techniques to reach your target audience effectively.

Test the App for Quality Assurance

Before publishing your app, it’s crucial to thoroughly test its functionality and usability. Allow friends, family, and beta testers to use the app and provide feedback. User feedback is invaluable for identifying and fixing any issues or bugs. Ensuring a high-quality app will result in positive reviews, better user retention, and increased downloads.

Publish Your App and Continuously Improve

Once you’ve thoroughly tested your app, it’s time to publish it on the app stores. However, launching your app is just the beginning of an ongoing process. Continuously update your app with new features, listen to user feedback, fix bugs promptly, and implement strategies to improve user retention. Additionally, explore monetization opportunities to generate revenue from your app while keeping user engagement high.

Protect and Copyright an App Idea

In today’s competitive landscape of app development, it’s crucial to protect your innovative ideas from potential theft or unauthorized use. As an app developer, you may have wondered about the best strategies for safeguarding your app concept and ensuring that you have exclusive rights to it. In this article, we will explore effective methods to protect and copyright your app idea, giving you the peace of mind to focus on bringing your vision to life.

Sign an NDA with Freelancers, Partner Companies, and Agencies

When collaborating with freelancers, partner companies, or agencies, it’s essential to establish a foundation of trust and confidentiality. One way to achieve this is by signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). By having all parties involved sign an NDA, you can ensure that any sensitive information shared during the development process remains confidential.

Before sharing any details about your app idea or business, mutually signing an NDA should be a priority. This applies not only to freelancers but also to agencies, partner companies, and even potential investors. By taking this precautionary step, you can protect your app idea from being leaked or used without your permission.

Protect Your Intellectual Property Rights

When working with developers, designers, and marketers, it’s crucial to establish clear ownership of the intellectual property created for your app. By including an Intellectual Property Protection clause in your contracts, you can assert your rights over the content, code, designs, and other creative assets produced by your team.

Clearly stipulate in the contract that all works created during the development process become your intellectual property, ensuring that your collaborators cannot claim ownership or use them for personal gain. Even when working with friends or family members, it’s essential to have a signed agreement that protects your intellectual property rights. While they may include the work in their portfolio, they should not be able to utilize it as their own.

Copyright Your App

Copyrighting your app can provide an additional layer of protection for your intellectual property. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) defines copyright as a form of protection granted to original works of authorship, including various forms of creative expression. However, it’s important to note that copyright protects the specific expression of an idea rather than the idea itself.

By obtaining a copyright for your app, you can secure the protection of its source code, graphics, designs, and textual content. While copyright doesn’t prevent other app developers from building similar apps, it grants you exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and publicly display your copyrighted work.

Get a Trademark

As your app gains popularity and recognition, it becomes crucial to protect its name and logo from unauthorized use. Acquiring a trademark provides you with legal rights and prevents other apps from using your app’s name or copying its visual identity.

To obtain a trademark in the United States, you need to submit an application to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The application process can be completed online, with fees ranging from $225 to $400, depending on the type of application and the number of International Classes of goods or services involved. If your app also enjoys popularity in Europe, consider registering your trademark with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) to extend protection across all European Union countries.

In the digital age, it has become increasingly common to encounter unscrupulous app developers who blatantly violate the law and infringe upon your rights. If you discover someone illegally using your logo, copy, or copyrighted designs, it is crucial to take action. Initially, try contacting these individuals and politely ask them to cease their unlawful activities. However, if they fail to comply or do not respond, it becomes necessary to file a formal complaint with the respective app stores. These platforms typically penalize app developers who engage in copyright infringement.

How to Patent an App Idea

When it comes to protecting your app idea, securing a patent offers the most reliable method. However, obtaining a patent requires your idea to be a true invention, meeting certain criteria such as usefulness, novelty, and non-obviousness. It is essential to conduct thorough research to ensure that your app idea has not already been patented by someone else. For instance, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) handles patent grants in the USA, while the European Patent Office (EPO) handles patents in Europe.

Addressing Violations and Infringements

While it is theoretically possible for a mobile app to receive a patent, the stringent criteria make most apps ineligible. A notable example is the case of Instagram copying the Stories feature from Snapchat. Although there was significant controversy surrounding this issue, Snapchat did not pursue legal action against Instagram. This is because the idea of Stories did not infringe upon any copyright laws, as ideas cannot be copyrighted, and it did not meet the criteria for patent eligibility. Essentially, Stories offered a new way to present a person’s status, albeit temporarily, rather than being a groundbreaking invention.

Some experts argue that patents are unnecessary for apps, primarily due to the substantial costs involved. Patenting an app can be a time-consuming and expensive process, with no guarantee of success. In the United States, it can take up to five years to obtain approval for a utility patent, and there is always a risk of rejection. Additionally, hiring a patent attorney to handle the complex legal aspects adds to the financial burden. For many app developers, these expenses can pose a significant challenge, especially considering the costs associated with app development and marketing.

Furthermore, it is important to note that every aspect of the app, including the code, must be novel to be eligible for a patent. In today’s open-source world, where various code snippets are readily available in libraries, it becomes challenging to meet the novelty requirement. Even if you have not directly used open-source code in your app, the possibility of its existence can invalidate your app’s eligibility for a patent.

How to Sell an App Idea

Developing an app by yourself can be both exciting and challenging, particularly when it comes to financial aspects. In the thriving app business, investment is crucial. At some point, you might consider seeking additional funding from investors. To maximize your chances of selling your app idea successfully, it is essential to understand the process thoroughly.

First and foremost, it is crucial to acknowledge that selling a mere app idea without a working product is significantly more challenging. Countless individuals have innovative ideas, and unless yours is truly revolutionary and potentially patentable, it is advisable to approach potential buyers with a fully developed solution. Ideally, having a published and successful app serves as the best option. However, if you lack a published app, it is recommended to create a working prototype to showcase your idea effectively.

Regardless of whether you have a published app or a working prototype, adequate preparation is key before approaching potential investors. Let’s explore some avenues for funding and selling your app idea:

  1. Crowdfunding Websites – Crowdfunding platforms offer an opportunity to gain initial support from individuals who are interested in innovative tech products. By sharing information about your idea and starting a crowdfunding campaign, you can attract early adopters who want to support products aligned with their preferences. Popular platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo provide a global audience, and it’s worth exploring local options as well. Platforms such as Crowdfunding can assist in comparing and choosing the most suitable crowdfunding platform for your needs.
  2. Professional Social Networks – Social networks like LinkedIn and Xing provide a platform to expand your professional network globally. Connect with relevant individuals and regularly post about your app idea or business to generate interest among potential investors. However, be cautious about divulging too much detail, as public posts can be seen by competitors as well.
  3. Startup Services – Online startup services allow you to showcase your app idea and await contact from potential investors. Platforms such as and Gust are widely used and offer exposure to a diverse range of investors.
  4. Start-up Conferences – Startup conferences and events are frequented not only by startups but also by investors seeking promising ventures to support. Attending such conferences provides an excellent opportunity to network and potentially secure investment.
  5. Accelerators and Business Incubators – Startup accelerators and business incubators provide invaluable support and guidance in developing your business idea and transforming it into a profitable venture. These organizations offer mentorship, coaching, and sometimes even seed investment opportunities. Research and locate accelerators and incubators in your local area, as they often focus on nurturing local startups.
  6. Angel Investors – Registering with a business angels network allows you to establish connections with individual or small group investors interested in early-stage startups. These angel investors provide funding and can introduce you to other important business contacts essential for managing and launching your startup. Explore websites like Angel Capital Association, The UK Angel Investment Network, and European Business Angels Network to connect with potential angel investors.
  7. Venture Capitalists – Venture capital funding typically comes from firms or funds rather than individual investors. Venture capitalists invest in promising early-stage startups and expect equity in return. While the risk is higher, venture capitalists have the potential to provide substantial financial backing and invaluable industry connections.
  8. Private Companies – There are larger app development companies that acquire smaller publishers to expand their presence in markets where their own apps may not be as popular. If you are interested in selling not just your app idea but your entire app business, exploring the possibility of selling to established companies could be a viable option.

How to Pitch an App Idea

Once you have identified your target funding source, the next step is to consider how to effectively pitch your app idea. The approach may vary depending on whether you are presenting to a crowdfunding community, LinkedIn networks, angels, or venture capital firms. Regardless, it is essential to conduct thorough research and address key questions during your pitch:

  • Who is your potential investor?
  • What are their areas of interest?
  • What other projects are they currently involved in?
  • How much do they typically invest?
  • How can your app be useful to the potential investor?
  • Will it solve any of their problems?
  • Is it relevant to their existing portfolio?
  • Will it bring value to the investor?

Once you have compiled a list of relevant investors, it is crucial to prepare a compelling pitch. Opinions vary on the best approach for pitching to investors, with some advocating for personal presentations while others believe a brief email introduction, LinkedIn connection, or initial phone call is more effective. Ultimately, there is no definitive answer, as each investor is unique and may require a different approach. Opportunities to present your idea can arise unexpectedly, such as during chance encounters on a plane or at networking events. It is advisable to practice an elevator pitch to ensure you can succinctly convey your idea in a concise and engaging manner.

The content of your pitch is of utmost importance. You should effectively communicate the following:

  • The problem your app solves and how it addresses it.
  • Identify your target users.
  • Emphasize the unique aspects of your product.
  • Identify your main competitors and explain how your app differentiates itself.
  • Outline your app’s marketing strategy.
  • Specify the amount of funding you require.
  • Communicate your anticipated financial success for the future.

Support your pitch with relevant data, numbers, and market research. Remember, it is not just your product that you are selling; investors are also interested in you and your team. Present yourself as professional, confident, and reliable.


Embarking on the journey of developing and selling an app idea can be both challenging and exhilarating. Witnessing your idea come to life and succeed is a rewarding experience, while setbacks can provide valuable lessons for the future. By exploring various funding options, understanding how to pitch your app idea effectively, and demonstrating your value to potential investors, you increase your chances of turning your app idea into a successful reality.